Publications and Reviews


Sepetmeber, 2013 

A photo, courtesy of the glorious  Lydia Beardmore

Who would have though it eh? A scallwag from Margate representing both poetry and The Chelsea Fringe Festival in The Guardian. 

The Guardians Weekend Magazine

March, 2013

The Next Big Thing Blog

In response to the scrumptious Lucy Lepchani and her tag in 'The Next Big Thing,' I have answered the following questions in regards to a couple of projects I have brewing. The artists recommended at the end of this blog post will then let the virtual world know what they are creating, and so on and so on, until we all know the ins and outs of each others dreams. Got it? Good. Right



Where did the idea come from for the book?

I'm working on a collection of poetry and flash nonfiction. The idea is that the flash pieces will tell a story, an independent narrative that the poetry will then hang from. It's about moments of letting go and journeys and giving in time and time again to reality as it is.

What genre does your book fall under?

Travel writing, poetry and flash nonfiction

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

I think the best movie for this would be a documentary; so all the characters would play themselves.  You can’t more real then the horse’s mouth can you? There are some brilliant people in the first book, a black San Franciscan transsexual who uses a wheelchair to get around. You can’t more PC than that! A fourteen year old Latin American kid from an inner city high school who wears crushed, black velvet suits. An elderly couple who live in the mountains of the gold country of California, a beautiful Mexican woman who is a political activist fearing for her life and a man from Cancun, the Las Vegas of Mexico, who sells wedding dresses and searches for spiritual enlightenment.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

A journal that cares more about the journey than the destination.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

The travel pieces were written whilst away,so three and a half months.
The poetry began a very long time again. Some has been edited over years, others written and never touched again.


Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Landscapes, people, moments, a drive to understand the world at large, relationships, Asda, Bedminster.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I aim to cross over and merge many creative mediums; art, different forms of literature and photography together. I aim to present something unique, not only in its story but in its presentation.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

The collection of flash non fiction will be published by Burning Eye Books. 

My writers to tag are:

Poet, magician, academic and exceptionally nice bloke,

Incredibly talented artist, and all round wonder woman,
Anna Higgie

Brilliant poet, funny woman and London Lass,  
Laurie Bolger


The wonderful people at Lifeartsmedia offered a lovely write up for Shambala Festival Lifeartsmedia

If you like buildings, heights, the dead , romance, childhood, adulthood and kissing, have a little looksee at my Short story 'Five Storeys High', written for The Bath Spa Anthology

Headspace Anthology

An article written for Canopy and Stars about an incredible community I discovered deep in the heart of the Italian mountains:




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